Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Waterpik Replace Floss?

leave e. .. bad weather!

Hello everyone! Finally I'm on vacation again, this time sponsored by my brother turbo! I am in Alba Adriatica in a 3-star residence with very very nice terrace and pool (on the terrace ...)! I only recently noticed a wireless access point in the hallway and asking I was told that offer free internet annexation then I connect to the cell. I also already downloaded firefox in 2min. Fuck it takes me less here than at home on her cell phone ... We nerds without adsl ...

Unfortunately, yesterday we reached a nice time with all the trimmings and now there's almost cold .... Amen ... It passes the time doing sports room! Not bad .... I greet you all and

term enclosing some pictures (ideally you should see ...) the view from the terrace of the residence!
ciaoooooooooooo :-)