Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weight Loss Commercials

ASP - Check if a date is between two other dates - v2

When I this article, I promised myself I would see that function and it would have made a more complete time and just wants me to have allowed it.

Now I write this post to finally put this other function.
I hope not to have made outrageous mistakes which I did not notice but I think that the script works correctly!

function is always called dateBetween but now looks like this: Function

dateBetween (data1, data2, data, repeat, result)

The function returns dateBetween TRUE or FALSE respectively, if the calculation is going to successful or if there was an error.

parameters to pass to t the function are as follows:
  • data1 [effective date] - contains the start date range
  • data2 [effective date] - contains the end date range
  • [date valid ] - contains the date to be tested
  • repeat [true ripetuto ogni anno
  • result - se dateBetween restituisce FALSE viene restituito il messaggio di errore. Se dateBetween restituisce TRUE viene restituito TRUE o FALSE a seconda dell'esisto del test.

La nuova funzionalità "repeat" serve per testare gli intervalli ogni anno. Se per esempio vogliamo sapere in che stagione ci troviamo dobbiamo passare alla funzione la data di inizio e di fine di una stagione in un anno qualsiasi e poi mettere "repeat" a TRUE . In questo caso l'intervallo tra le due date deve necessariamente essere massimo un anno.

Il ogni caso la funzione e proprio un esempio di utilizzo di quest'ultima la are zipped here.

If you have problems or questions, please contact .

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cat In The Hat Wording

At the start of the Registration Clerk Ita!

Happy New Year to all!
And like an old witch I bring the sock full of fresh Clerk fresh!
I can tell you with pleasure that we have assigned the following three departments:

- Cardiology in Catania (1 post)
- Pulmonary in Rome (St. Andrew) (1 place)
- Otolaryngology Messina ( 1 place)

How to participate in the competition?

Having renewed its membership for the 2008/2009 academic year SISM
be enrolled in the course of 5 or 6 years
have passed all the exams of the first three years

Come da regolamento consegnare i seguenti documenti:

- Domanda Concorsuale compilata in ogni sua parte (da richiedere via email oppure scaricabile in Aula Tutor durante l’orario di apertura dello sportello SISM: dal 12 gennaio dalle 13:30 alle 15:00)
- Certificazione degli esami sostenuti (scaricabile dal vostro profilo sul sito oppure reperibile in segreteria studenti)
- Eventuali certificazioni di Frequenza nei reparti, internati, corsi elettivi, congressi,conferenze pertinenti alla materia scelta
- Attestati o comunicazioni di Collaborazione con il SISM
- Eventuali Pubblicazioni su Riviste Scientifiche pertinenti alla materia

Tutti i documenti vanno inviati all’indirizzo:

entro e non oltre le ore 24:00 del 17 Gennaio 2009

Per dubbi e/o chiarimenti sono sempre a disposizione


Monday, January 5, 2009

Clear Mucus When I Should Be Having My Period?

ASP - Check if a date is between two dates

Look at that new

Need to check if a date is between two dates?
Since there is no ASP function to do this here's a home-made!

checkZerosDate function (num)
if len (num) = 1 then
checkZerosDate = "0" & \u200b\u200bnum = num
end if
end function

Function dateBetween(data1,data2,data)
dim ndata1,ndata2,ndata

'controllo che siano date
if isdate(data1) and isdate(data2) and isdate(data) then
ndata1=year(data1) & checkZerosDate(month(data1)) & checkZerosDate(day(data1))
ndata2=year(data2) & checkZerosDate(month(data2)) & checkZerosDate(day(data2))
ndata=year(data) & checkZerosDate(month(data)) & checkZerosDate(day(data))
if (ndata1<=ndata) and (ndata<=ndata2) then
dateBetween = true else

= false end if else

'if you are not given returns false
= false end if end function


As you can see the main function is "dateBetween" which must be passed as parameters:
  • data1: start date range
  • data2 : end date range
  • date: date from test
If no valid dates of the past function returns the Boolean value false

La funzione restituirà il valore booleano True se data è compresa tra data1 e data2 oppure False se non lo è.

Per funzionare questa funzione si deve appoggiare alla funzione checkZerosDate che non fa altro che formattare i valori a una cifra del giorno/mese in uno a due cifre!

Come sempre non può mancare lo zippo con lo script e un esempio !

Stop! :D
Guarda quella nuova

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mortgage Referall Cards


And here I may have found (in most tested and correct) a simple function to do the ' HtmlEncode (ASP function) client-side! It was about time! : D

This is a small javascript that you insert in your pages!

I tested (and changed where you had problems) this script with the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • 6.7
  • Mozilla Firefox 3
  • Opera Google Chrome Apple Safari

function is as follows:

\u0026lt;script type="text/javascript"> \u0026lt;! -
HTMLEncode function (str) {
was p = document.createElement ('div');
was text = document.createTextNode (str);
div.appendChild (text);
text = div.innerHTML;
text.replace text = (/ "/ g, """);

/ / Easier accentate -------------

text = text.replace (/ à / g, "à") ;
text = text.replace (/ è / g, "è");
text = text.replace (/ é / g, "é");
text = text.replace (/ ì / g, "ì");
text = text.replace (/ ù / g, "ù");
text.replace text = (/ o / g, "ò");

//------- ------- ------- Fix Safari problem
text.replace text = (/ \u0026lt;/ g, "<");
text text.replace = (/> / g, ">");
//---------------------------- ----
return text;}

//--> \u0026lt;/ script>

Just call it and pass as parameter the text you want to do the encode. The function returns the encrypted text!

For now I noticed that not all special characters are supported! For example, the symbol grades -> ° that remains (in my car with my settings), while the ASP HtmlEncode ° translates it into (or ° depending on the settings of the server)!! In short, you can not have everything in life but broadly it may already be enough! : D
If someone wants to stand there and can try them all!

Who is invited to experience problems should report them in a comment on this post that maybe we can try to fixarli! ;)

the prox!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Magnum Research Airsoft Gold

FIREFOX - Try Scribefire

This is a test of ScribeFire (formerly Performancing)

try .....

% response.write ("Test of an ASP code)

Bold Italic Underline

Image Link:

Test failed. Error loading on the blog. Could I rely on my site but ...
'll see!

Well ... is a beautiful storiaccia! Very cute and improved since the last time I tried!!