At the start of the Registration Clerk Ita!
Happy New Year to all!
And like an old witch I bring the sock full of fresh Clerk fresh!
I can tell you with pleasure that we have assigned the following three departments:
- Cardiology in Catania (1 post)
- Pulmonary in Rome (St. Andrew) (1 place)
- Otolaryngology Messina ( 1 place)
How to participate in the competition?
Having renewed its membership for the 2008/2009 academic year SISM
be enrolled in the course of 5 or 6 years
have passed all the exams of the first three years
Come da regolamento consegnare i seguenti documenti:
- Domanda Concorsuale compilata in ogni sua parte (da richiedere via email oppure scaricabile in Aula Tutor durante l’orario di apertura dello sportello SISM: dal 12 gennaio dalle 13:30 alle 15:00)
- Certificazione degli esami sostenuti (scaricabile dal vostro profilo sul sito oppure reperibile in segreteria studenti)
- Eventuali certificazioni di Frequenza nei reparti, internati, corsi elettivi, congressi,conferenze pertinenti alla materia scelta
- Attestati o comunicazioni di Collaborazione con il SISM
- Eventuali Pubblicazioni su Riviste Scientifiche pertinenti alla materia
Tutti i documenti vanno inviati all’indirizzo:
entro e non oltre le ore 24:00 del 17 Gennaio 2009
Per dubbi e/o chiarimenti sono sempre a disposizione
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Clear Mucus When I Should Be Having My Period?
ASP - Check if a date is between two dates
Need to check if a date is between two dates?
Since there is no ASP function to do this here's a home-made!
As you can see the main function is "dateBetween" which must be passed as parameters:
La funzione restituirà il valore booleano True se data è compresa tra data1 e data2 oppure False se non lo è.
Per funzionare questa funzione si deve appoggiare alla funzione checkZerosDate che non fa altro che formattare i valori a una cifra del giorno/mese in uno a due cifre!
Come sempre non può mancare lo zippo con lo script e un esempio !
Stop! :D
Need to check if a date is between two dates?
Since there is no ASP function to do this here's a home-made!
checkZerosDate function (num)
if len (num) = 1 then
checkZerosDate = "0" & \u200b\u200bnum = num
end if
end function
Function dateBetween(data1,data2,data)
dim ndata1,ndata2,ndata
'controllo che siano date
if isdate(data1) and isdate(data2) and isdate(data) then
ndata1=year(data1) & checkZerosDate(month(data1)) & checkZerosDate(day(data1))
ndata2=year(data2) & checkZerosDate(month(data2)) & checkZerosDate(day(data2))
ndata=year(data) & checkZerosDate(month(data)) & checkZerosDate(day(data))
if (ndata1<=ndata) and (ndata<=ndata2) then
dateBetween = true else
= false end if else
'if you are not given returns false
= false end if end function
As you can see the main function is "dateBetween" which must be passed as parameters:
- data1: start date range
- data2 : end date range
- date: date from test
La funzione restituirà il valore booleano True se data è compresa tra data1 e data2 oppure False se non lo è.
Per funzionare questa funzione si deve appoggiare alla funzione checkZerosDate che non fa altro che formattare i valori a una cifra del giorno/mese in uno a due cifre!
Come sempre non può mancare lo zippo con lo script e un esempio !
Stop! :D
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Mortgage Referall Cards
And here I may have found (in most tested and correct) a simple function to do the ' HtmlEncode (ASP function) client-side! It was about time! : D
This is a small javascript that you insert in your pages!
I tested (and changed where you had problems) this script with the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer
function is as follows:
Just call it and pass as parameter the text you want to do the encode. The function returns the encrypted text!
For now I noticed that not all special characters are supported! For example, the symbol grades -> ° that remains (in my car with my settings), while the ASP HtmlEncode ° translates it into (or ° depending on the settings of the server)!! In short, you can not have everything in life but broadly it may already be enough! : D
If someone wants to stand there and can try them all!
Who is invited to experience problems should report them in a comment on this post that maybe we can try to fixarli! ;)
the prox!
This is a small javascript that you insert in your pages!
I tested (and changed where you had problems) this script with the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer
- 6.7
- Mozilla Firefox 3
- Opera Google Chrome Apple Safari
function is as follows:
\u0026lt;script type="text/javascript"> \u0026lt;! -
HTMLEncode function (str) {
was p = document.createElement ('div');
was text = document.createTextNode (str);
div.appendChild (text);
text = div.innerHTML;
text.replace text = (/ "/ g, """);
/ / Easier accentate -------------
text = text.replace (/ à / g, "à") ;
text = text.replace (/ è / g, "è");
text = text.replace (/ é / g, "é");
text = text.replace (/ ì / g, "ì");
text = text.replace (/ ù / g, "ù");
text.replace text = (/ o / g, "ò");
//------- ------- ------- Fix Safari problem
text.replace text = (/ \u0026lt;/ g, "<");
text text.replace = (/> / g, ">");
//---------------------------- ----
return text;}
//--> \u0026lt;/ script>
Just call it and pass as parameter the text you want to do the encode. The function returns the encrypted text!
For now I noticed that not all special characters are supported! For example, the symbol grades -> ° that remains (in my car with my settings), while the ASP HtmlEncode ° translates it into (or ° depending on the settings of the server)!! In short, you can not have everything in life but broadly it may already be enough! : D
If someone wants to stand there and can try them all!
Who is invited to experience problems should report them in a comment on this post that maybe we can try to fixarli! ;)
the prox!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Magnum Research Airsoft Gold
FIREFOX - Try Scribefire
This is a test of ScribeFire (formerly Performancing)
try .....
Bold Italic Underline
Image Link:
Test failed. Error loading on the blog. Could I rely on my site but ...
'll see!
Well ... is a beautiful storiaccia! Very cute and improved since the last time I tried!!
try .....
% response.write ("Test of an ASP code)
Bold Italic Underline
Image Link:
Test failed. Error loading on the blog. Could I rely on my site but ...
'll see!
Well ... is a beautiful storiaccia! Very cute and improved since the last time I tried!!
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