Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jcb Telehandler For Sale

Siempre hay a precio - Luz Casal

(hopefully you have some 'knowledge of English language:))

Todas las noches sueño
que todo va bien, trabajo y
she keep me vuelve a Querer. Cuando veo
despierto the Misma pared, no se qué do.

All night I dream that all is well.
I tried everything to feel good,
went like crazy and now I'm alone again.

Somebody explain to me how it goes this thirst,
I have to do.
I tried everything to feel good.
There is always a price you pay.
All at once, or every day you will.

All my life walking in the dark
not want to realize that there is always a price that you pay

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Candelabra Rentals Boston

filling in the day, freeing up the night

spost Tasti di teste che voglio testare

riempiendo il giorno e liberando la notte

accogliendo memorie

rincorrendo immagini

plasmando definizioni

indicando il cielo con uno sguardo

...ed un sorriso

no, non mi arrenderò mai

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sore Shoulders And Back From Painting

JAVASCRIPT - How to migrate from lighbox colorbox

Need to migrate from the famous lightbox to go to the most advanced and versatile colorbox as painlessly as possible? Well, now I explain what you need!

As you already know the lightbox is activated adding the attribute rel = "lightbox" (single link) or rel = "lightbox [group]" (group of pictures in more links) tagged with "\u0026lt;a> \u0026lt;/ a> "that points to an image, and to activate the colorbox what comes easiest is to initialize the elements we want.

We come to us if you have several links that already take advantage of the lightbox here is the initialization script you need to activate the colorbox without changing anything that already exists for lightbox!
do not take anything for granted and then we step back and first of all eliminates the lines of code that refer to lightbox from your own site:

\u0026lt;script type = "text / javascript" src = " tuopercorso / prototype.js "> \u0026lt;/ script> \u0026lt;script type="text/javascript" src="
tuopercorso /scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"> \u0026lt;/ script>
\u0026lt;script type = "text / javascript" src = " tuopercorso / lightbox.js"> \u0026lt;/ script>
\u0026lt;link href = " tuopercorso / lightbox.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" / >

then add colorbox for those paying attention to the trail:

\u0026lt;script src = " . js "> \u0026lt;/ script> \u0026lt;script src="
tuopercorso /jquery.colorbox-min.js"> \u0026lt;/ script>
\u0026lt;link media = "screen" rel = "stylesheet" href = " tuopercorso / colorbox.css" />

Now you just add this script to enable Colorbox that you can put inside the \u0026lt; head> \u0026lt;/ head> for example in the newly added rows above.

\u0026lt;script type="text/javascript">
$ (document). Ready (function () {var
arrobjs = $ ('a [rel ^ =' lightbox "]');
var tmpstr = "";
      if (tmprel =="lightbox"){ //if is a single link

        /*other options*/});
      else{ // if are grouped links
        if(tmpstr != $(arrobjs[i]).attr("rel") ){

now you're done! If you did everything correctly colorbox work without the need to change anything in the contents and the lightbox in the same way (ie adding, if necessary, the attribute " rel = lightbox )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Expensive Cleopatra Costumes


Ti guardi intorno e vedi solo tanta merda. La tv sarebbe da prendere a martellate.
Il governo non ha alcun senso rispetto al significato che dovrebbe rappresentare.
L'informazione è manipolata e la censura è una realtà.
I valori in cui vorremmo credere sono cibo per rari palati fini.
Cerchiamo di informarci, di fare attenzione, di riuscire in qualche maniera a distinguere il bene dal male, il buono dal cattivo...giorno dopo giorno... cerchiamo di mantenere viva la nostra "etica", cerchiamo di modellarla se necessario e portarla avanti.
Pensiamo di far parte di una determinata cerchia di persone che vogliono tenersi fuori dallo "sporco e dal marcio"....poi scopriamo che persone a noi vicine ne fanno parte, si infangano.
Forse siamo pazzi ma anche se il cuore è pieno non possiamo non giudicarli.
L'avidità non riesco a concepirla, is probably my limit. I can not put myself in the shoes of those who have but always want more, but who is not satisfied, who is willing to risk their lives (but never admit!) In the hope of a handful of money.
We used to foolishly believe that only the desperate resort to some "tricks". Not only that. The desperate and the greedy take all possible. ... And optimism (which is "the smell of life! Cit.) Pushes the oars into unknown seas.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blender Bottle With Battery

"Confronting the evidence"

.. yet another video, another list of eligible candidates is evidence that the September 11, 2001 was just a staging for meglio gestirci, con la scusa della paura e quindi della protezione e della sicurezza.

Sembriamo davvero una massa di idioti? ...temo di si.

( ricordo che queste carte da gioco sono state create nel 1995)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Covering A Brick Fireplace With Slate Tile

Farewell to the "pint"?

La notizia ci arriva oggi...e mi chiedo: George Orwell meglio di Nostradamus??? ....maybe

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poptropica Costumes Free

Moreover, for a while 'is pleasant ..

I calori bollenti delle anime che incontri
Le palpitazioni dei ritmi di atmosfere profumate
L'istantaneità to find that you have breathed

Yet sometimes look like pendulums, tireless.
obstinate and stubborn.

Even if you already know where you go you can not find what you want, you rub a little 'in smell.
heat ... black ...

The Difference Butt And Tit


Poke Italy Sport Happy New Year wishes to everyone for a happy year serene.