This post describe how it is possible with windows (XP and Vista), create and assign an icon to a removable medium such as an external hard drive or a simple USB key, all visible from the windows of course.
First you need a program to create icons "multi" and possibly in a transparent way: there are several programs, free or not.
I tried to use IcoFX (Free - Current version used in this guide: 1.6). He has done his duty very well so it's more than enough!
Download this program and then install it.
Find the image you want to assign to your removable media. I always use good old Google Images . Let for example TUX PNG (PNG images are fond of .. what can I do ??!!) saved your tux and png format.
Open IcoFX: If you are English you can change the language to "options -> Languages \u200b\u200b-> Italian."
Next click on "File -> Import Image ..." and select your image and click "Open":
select "True Color + Alpha Channel (32 bit) and 256x256 resolution and press OK.
Once you open the image click on "Icon -> Create Windows icon from the image ..."
We will open a new window with the "multi-icon".
done this click "File -> Save As ..." and save your icon anywhere. Call
for example, "gigatux.ico": D!
Then copy this icon in your removable storage.
Create a text file called "AUTORUN" (. Txt) without quotation marks in your removable storage inside and write this:
[Autorun] ICON
= LABEL = My turbo key
* put the name you gave your icon instead of gigatux.ico
** put the name that you assign to your removable media in the line "Label"
Save the text file.
NB: Both the text file that the icon, in this case, must be the root of the archive that is removable in the first level of the drive and not inside any folder .
Open the command prompt (or do "Run ... -> cmd - [enter]")
Find the "letter" of your removable media: In my case is "O".
then type in the dos prompt (press enter each line):
ren autorun.txt AUTORUN.INF
(With these last two lines you have just assigned the attributes "hidden file" and "System Files" to 2 files. This to make sure that Windows Explorer do not see them when browsing the files in your removable media)
Exit prompt.
Now remove your removable storage riconnettilo and here is what will happen in "My Computer" (or "Computer" if you have Vista):
As you can see now my and probably your key (in General removable media) has a picture and description that we are what we wanted!
The act of using an icon "multi" is to have an icon of good quality with views at different resolutions. Small, medium or large! Windows will be to "read" icon in the right format from our icon "multi"!
Note also that the drive of my key is "O". Before making changes from the DOS prompt to check in My Computer the drive letter of your own!
Note 2.0. If you need to change what you have written to the file AUTORUN.INF (or change icon) to edit this file you must first "undo" the attributes of hidden and system files (basically to see them and edit them from explorer).
To do always open the command prompt and type (if the drive is always support "O"):
In this way you removed the attributes of "hidden files" and "File System" from 2 Autorun file and icon!
Here is the guide to the Attrib command
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