Sunday, May 11, 2008

Designer Martingale Collars

ASP - Listing Session and Application object variables

You have the need to list or just read the session variables in an object or application in ASP also watching the "key" associated with a certain specified value?

could not be easier (although it has struggled to find a way to do this by listing the key ...) to the session object

enter this code:

\u0026lt;% Dim

ii for ii = 1 to session.Contents.Count
Response.Write (session.Contents.key (ii) & "=" & _
session.Contents.item (ii) & ; \u0026lt;br /> ")


while the application object insert this (quite similar to the previous

...): \u0026lt;% Dim ii

for ii = 1 to application.Contents.Count
Response.Write (
application . Contents.key (ii) & _
"=" &
application . Contents.item (ii) & _
\u0026lt;br /> ")


You can simply call up the variable name collection

object. Contents.Key ( index )

while its value with

object. Contents.item ( index) rather than with the classic Object ( " key ")

Try and work!


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