I know that right now Linux users scoff brutally Windows users and this post but we windowsiani "to change the attributes of files or directories we need a little help if the difference in linux cava with the simple command "Touch".
time ago as I was trying to do but I did not find anything. Yesterday, the first research here is what I found: I state
that in this post already talking about how to change the attributes of a file with the command "attrib" launched by windows dos promt but it merely set the following boolean attributes:
- read-only file attribute .
- archive file attribute.
- file attribute system.
- hidden file attribute.
- file attribute is not indexed.
are 2 solutions:
- Utilizzo il comando Touch con linux, se ho linux
- Utilizzo questo programmino iper tazzo con windows !
Prova tu stesso! Se hai Windows 98, Me, 2000, Xp, 2003 o Vista scarica il programma e installalo (se hai un sistema operativo a 64 bit questo software NON va bene)
Fatto questo prova a cliccare col tasto destro su un file o una cartella e clicca sulla voce " Cambia attributi... ". Ora non ti resta che smanettare a bit 'and do what you want! The software is simple and is in Italian so there are no problems. From the first window that opens you can see how to change the dates of creation / access / modification of our file / directory!
One last thing though .... careful not to get caught by your boss! : D
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