Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Much Calories Does Small Pho Soup Have?

Rome - Subbuteo to the Bar of Francae

A wonderful initiative, dedicated to Subbuteo, was born in Rome, initiative of the Franco-Franco-Franca "Mandarin Bar (also known as Franca BAR) in Via Umberto Biancamano 50/52 Pzza area of \u200b\u200bS. John (St. John's metro or bus 649 or 360 to be taken to Termini).

Francae awaits every Saturday to play Subbuteo strictly Old Style, 70's and strictly about clothes with miniature unpolished, giving Heineken Beer at only 1.50 euro thanks to an agreement with Partesa Srl for distribution.

For organizational reasons, we require a reservation by the Friday evening before the forum dell'OldSubbuteo , but even if you were to do an impromptu, you will not be left to the corners of the table ... :-)

Francae ago part of the " Subbuteo Club Libertas Rome" and can be found on the forum also Subbuteo Collection . Below are some pictures of his own.


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