Friday, November 30, 2007

Electro Negatively Table

ASP - how to check if a year is a leap

In questo post presenterò il codice ASP che ci permette di verificare se un anno è bisestile o no.

Lo script è composto da una funzione principale, cuore del calcolo, e da un "blocco if" con il quale si intercetta la risposta.

E' utile fare in questo modo ( e non con una sola semplice funzione) per poter verificare anche se sono avvenuti errori in the calculation.

The code is as follows:

\u0026lt;% Function
annobisestile (data_num)
on error resume next
if not (isempty (data_num) or isnull (data_num) or len (trim (data_num)) = 0) then 'if there is a parameter
if err \u0026lt;> 0 then annobisestile = vbNull
if IsNumeric (data_num) then' if it's a year if
data_num \u0026lt;> 0 then 'if it is different from zero
year = abs ( data_num) 'bad years are considered positive
end if elseif
IsDate (data_num) then' if it's a date
year = year (data_num) 'extrapolates year
else' if it is neither a date nor a year
annobisestile = vbNull

end if if err \u0026lt;> 0 then annobisestile = vbNull

'/***** ************************************************** ****************************/
'/ One year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 but not by 100. But it is a leap year * /
'/ if it is divisible by 400 * /
'/********************************************* **************************************/

'check if
is a leap year if (( (year mod 4 = 0) and (year mod 100 \u0026lt;> 0)) or (year mod 400 = 0)) = true then
annobisestile = false

end if if err \u0026lt;> 0 then annobisestile = vbNull
else 'if there is no parameter
annobisestile = vbNull
end if end function

strtest = 2007
if annobisestile (strtest)
= true then 'code here if you want the year is a leap
annobisestile elseif (strtest) = vbNull
then 'here the code that you want if there was an error
' or was not passed an incorrect parameter

else 'here if you want the code that is not a leap year

end if%>

If you are sure to pass a parameter to the function correctly, ie a number corresponding to one year (greater than 0 and positive) or a date in a correct format then you can simplify the "if block" in this way:

strtest = 2007
if annobisestile (strtest) then
'here the code that you want if the year is a leap

else' here the code you want is not a leap year if end if

I hope I was clear! If you want to download the script this is the link.
In the script of the Zip is not the second if block, that simple.

If you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions or simply want clarification do not hesitate to contact me



one shown above is an "educational function": D. I update this post to put much less complex than another that does the same thing. The function is this:

\u0026lt;% function
annobisestile (year)
dim miadata
if IsDate (year) then
miadata = "28/02 /" & year (year)
miadata = "28/02 /" & year end if

miadata = dateadd ("d", 1, miadata)
if day (miadata) = 29 then
annobisestile = true else

= false end if end function


Note however that in the latter function have not put a check errors then you should be sure to spend a year as a value or a date!
The rest is the same. The function returns the Boolean value true if the year is a leap year or false if not. In

zippo lynched above is NOT included it running!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

How Do You Make A Kilt

ASP - ASP Script to calculate the age of a person! Again

Hello everyone!

Given that, on dates between the 1000000 functions present in the ' asp, there is a specific function to calculate the age of a person properly taking into account also the birthday of the latter, here I show a small function

Function calcolaeta ( BirthDate date)
'calculation of the years you have to make the user
eta = datediff ("yyyy " BirthDate date)
'calculation on the birthday of the current user
birday = dateadd ("yyyy , age, DoB )
'takes account of the day!
if datepart ("y", date) < datepart ("y", birday )
then age = age-1
end if
calcolaeta eta =
End Function

The function you have to pass two parameters, date of birth and date (eg today's) for which we know the age!
The function returns a number that corresponds to the age correct!

In developing this little feature, I realized that I was doing just as we would have had trouble getting the correct age if the year was a leap year (could be wrong calculation of a day) then if it seems strange I've done what I did take note that too!
If you still seem strange to me that you probably have not made the choice easy and fast!

If you are interested in the script here zipped !

Hello and see you soon!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Waterpik Replace Floss?

leave e. .. bad weather!

Hello everyone! Finally I'm on vacation again, this time sponsored by my brother turbo! I am in Alba Adriatica in a 3-star residence with very very nice terrace and pool (on the terrace ...)! I only recently noticed a wireless access point in the hallway and asking I was told that offer free internet annexation then I connect to the cell. I also already downloaded firefox in 2min. Fuck it takes me less here than at home on her cell phone ... We nerds without adsl ...

Unfortunately, yesterday we reached a nice time with all the trimmings and now there's almost cold .... Amen ... It passes the time doing sports room! Not bad .... I greet you all and

term enclosing some pictures (ideally you should see ...) the view from the terrace of the residence!
ciaoooooooooooo :-)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Toddler Bday Invitation Wording


Fixing! This is a test!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How To Get Stains Out Of Dance Tights

WINDOWS - IIS 7 on Windows Vista and mdb database connections

In this post I'll describe what I have personally done to "run" the IIS 7 in Windows Vista Business for an ASP application that uses the mdb database.

Although IIS is a Microsoft server I found that to operate pages with the extension '"asp" (ossia linguaggio microsoft...) bisogna attivare una funzione.

Start --> Pannello di controllo --> Programmi e funzionalità --> Attivazione o disattivazione delle funzionalità di Windows --> Internet Information Services (selezionarlo se non ancora installato...) --> Servizi Web --> Funzionalità per lo sviluppo di applicazioni --> Selezionate quello che vi interessa . personalmente ho attivato tutto tranne 'Cgi' !

Date l'ok e terminate l'installazione.

Una volta configurata un'applicazione dal pannello dell'iis situato in Start --> Pannello di controllo --> Strumenti di amministrazione --> Gestione internet Information Service will notice that you will have problems if your application uses database connections. "Mdb".

should be given write access to 2 folders. One is the one containing the database and the other is located in
" C: \\ Windows \\ ServiceProfiles \\ NetworkService \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Temp "
(this folder because the iis 7 opens temporary files connection to the database in this folder and the folder where the database is present). Date
read and write permissions to users who access the application and users:

Play around a bit and see that everything will work! I also added
my windows user and I gave him permission to write ...!


See also:
Database and IIS 7
Give permissions to the folders with windows vista

Friday, July 20, 2007

Health Insurance For Mariners

Save favorite (and base) of the tomtom mobile 6

How to save bookmarks, tom tom mobile 6?

To back up all your favorites (saved locations), and other basic settings, you must save the file. Cfg folder of maps.

Copy it from the files of current and sovrascrivetelo tomtom (or simply add it) into the folder of the tomtom maps "new" you are installing.

Start the tomtom and see if your dear old preferiti ci sono ancora! :-)

Come al solito raccomando di fare sempre un backup ai file originali prima di fare qualsiasi modifica in modo da poter riportare il tutto alle impostazioni di partenza nel caso qualcosa andasse storto!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Diane Breast Enlarger

short break! Test Drive a post

Finalmente sono arrivato in montagna, ad Andalo , e l&#39;aria &#232; veramente piena e pulita... E c&#39;&#232; pure quasi freddo! Proprio l&#39;opposto che dalle nostre parti! Seppur star&#242; solo 4 giorni vedr&#242; di godermeli!

saluti da Andalo! E per chi le fa, buone ferie!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Western Reaction To Russian Revolution

Questa &#232; un&#39;ennesima prova di pubblicazione Posting with my new phone! If I am wrong Inca $ $ o It should go ....

Hello everyone!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Host For Gsphone Pokemon

HEQ5 SynScan SkyWatcher Pro 2.0 Winstars

Hello everyone!
On my return from the hospital my friends gave me a HEQ5 Skyscan Pro mount (thanks again, I'll never stop saying ...) and in this post describe how to control with the astronomical software Winstars 2.0, since I myself have not found any guidance on this matter and in the instructions of the frame there was talk of an item in a menu that has proved insesistente!

First you have to download the ASCOM protocols from this page! Once installed connected to a COM port of your PC the roadside SkyScan and open Winstars 2.0.
menu 'Telescope' push 'configuration': we are in front of this finsestra:

Select from the drop down 'Celestron Telescope' and click 'Proprieties', will open this window: Enter all
the necessary data, the protocol 'Nexstar 5' heading ScopeType and the com port to which you are connected to the telescope. If you do not know which port is connected to the remote you can download this utility to this page called "Connection Detector", almost always, there is the port where the remote is connsesso!

done this press OK and OK again! AThis item Winstars automatically try to initialize the remote. If this fails, lower right, the word "Telescope Mode"!
If not appear, from the "telescope" press "Open connection Telescope" and check that will give you errors. In this case, try changing the com port ...

Now you just need to "doppiocliccare" right click on an object, and in the drop-down menu that appears, click on "Follow!"

The telescope, if all goes well, begin to move and point to the object in question!

said that a lot of fun! If you have problems contact me and, if possible, give you a hand!

ps. I want to point out that I updated the firmware of my panel with the latest version, the 3.12 and do not need to select "RS-232" from the "Utilities" the panel as it is described in the instructions of the frame ( at least those that I have ...)! The various versions of the firmware you can always find a this page!

Salustri and proxima! ;-)

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Pulmonary Aspiration Drowning Symptoms

FIREFOX - Identify yourself as a Firefox browser with

Since I downloaded this add-ons to 21 December 2006 and I was wrong on 23 I have not put anything about it online: I do now.
This is a Firefox extension with which we tell the browser to identify as any browser or even something of invented! If someone logs on to your sites with the browser "slop" that I have senzaltro (or GiampaZ:-D)

You can download the extension from here !
Once installed you can access it from the Tools menu in Firefox. It 'as easy to use. Just between the variables "servervariabiles" of a server you are visiting is sent from your browser as a "fake"! Let's say there is not much for mere mortals but for webmasters can go really useful to test a web page depending on the browser used.

Note that of course Firefox always uses the same display engine which is the owner, does not use the engines of other browsers (with this extension ...) but merely to identify themselves in a different way! Personally

to use the Internet Explorer engine within Firefox I use the extension called IEtab!
