And France wants to attack Libya, the excuse is to "stop Gaddafi", "We can not stand idly by" ... but I wonder if there was oil in Libya would be affected? How is it that there are a certain number of countries destroyed for months or years by war and submitted to madness of dictators e. ..... and no one intervenes? How
that North Africa is so close that .... I feel in danger of looking back? How did I feel the weight of the rat T Lisbon push on his shoulders, almost bent?
now the European Union we can not decide to stay NEUTRAL .... did you know? remember that? have you forgotten?
(LISBON TREATY searching within the blog to refresh your memory)
" - The defense policy of the Treaty provides, in addition to the missions peace, even offensive missions, which violate the Art. 11 of the Constitution. Through the strengthening of military forces available to the European Union, an on-going effort to make Europe an arm of NATO . With the creation of a small group of countries which would mandated military initiatives, it would be easier to get around the opposition of those who would avoid confrontation strategy pursued by London and Washington against Russia and China [6] . "( )
Waiting ... waiting ... waiting
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