Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Varicose Veins Ceragem

ASP - Calculate the day Easter

In this post I will show how to calculate the day of the Passover from a year ago.

This is a very simple ASP function which spend a year or a date.

function is this:

'script for the calculation of Easter
' Author: Mark Brunelli -
calcolapasqua function (date)
dim X, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, M, J, K, L, N, P, Pday
if IsDate (date) then
'if I had a date
X = year (date)

else' if I spent a number
    end if
    'calcolo la pasqua
    A=X mod 19
    B= int(X/100)
    C=X mod 100
    E=B mod 4
    H=(19*A+B-D-G+15)mod 30
    J=int(C/4) K=C mod 4
    L=(2*E+2*J-K-H+M+32) mod 7
    P = (H + L-M + N +19) mod 32
Pday = P & "/" & N & "/" & X
calcolapasqua = FormatDateTime (Pday, 1)

end function%> ;

Just pass the function a year (positive integer) or date and this will "shoot out" the day of the Passover!
If you do not want to see the day (Sunday) as a result of the function, put this in the penultimate line

calcolapasqua = FormatDateTime (Pday)

instead of

calcolapasqua = FormatDateTime (Pday, 1)

Or look for a guide to the asp function 'FormatDateTime'!

Attention to pass correct values \u200b\u200bto the function. This time I did not do error checking!

as usual for the lazy links or zippino with the script already!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Funny Mental Hospital Answering Machine Number

Graduation Party

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sore Throat And Tongue Bumps

Architecture 2008 Calendar Fall 2008 Thesis

Con riferimento al DOC 05 del 13 Ottobre ’08, a firma congiunta del Preside, del Presidente del CCdLSA4/S-Pa e del Coordinatore delle Tesi di Laurea, si pubblica qui di seguito il calendario dello svolgimento delle lauree e delle attività ad esse connesse.

Si informa che in occasione dell’avvio del nuovo regolamento è stata istituita la Sala delle Lauree, un nuovo spazio allestito per lo svolgimento degli esami di Laurea e per
esposizioni temporanee, sito al 4° piano nell’ala nord dell’edificio centrale.
Si informa altresì che la mostra delle tesi di Laurea sarà allestita presso gli spazi comuni al 3° and 4th floors of the building.

The conduct of the October session will be divided according to the following timetable

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What Are The Tuitions For Yale?

WINDOWS - Change the attributes of a file / folder

I know that right now Linux users scoff brutally Windows users and this post but we windowsiani "to change the attributes of files or directories we need a little help if the difference in linux cava with the simple command "Touch".

time ago as I was trying to do but I did not find anything. Yesterday, the first research here is what I found: I state

that in this post already talking about how to change the attributes of a file with the command "attrib" launched by windows dos promt but it merely set the following boolean attributes:
  • read-only file attribute .
  • archive file attribute.
  • file attribute system.
  • hidden file attribute.
  • file attribute is not indexed.
But if I wanted to have something more? For example, to change the dates of creation / modification / access of a file or directory in order to confirm the boss that the work I had done some time ago and not today's race? : D

are 2 solutions:
  1. Utilizzo il comando Touch con linux, se ho linux
  2. Utilizzo questo programmino iper tazzo con windows !
Si tratta di Attribute Changer , un piccolo software che una volta installato è raggiungibile dal menu contestuale (quello che si apre col clic sul tasto destro del mouse) di windows explorer.

Prova tu stesso! Se hai Windows 98, Me, 2000, Xp, 2003 o Vista scarica il programma e installalo (se hai un sistema operativo a 64 bit questo software NON va bene)

Fatto questo prova a cliccare col tasto destro su un file o una cartella e clicca sulla voce " Cambia attributi... ". Ora non ti resta che smanettare a bit 'and do what you want! The software is simple and is in Italian so there are no problems. From the first window that opens you can see how to change the dates of creation / access / modification of our file / directory!

One last thing though .... careful not to get caught by your boss! : D

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Brazilian Wax Toronto Yahoo

Selection for the assignment of 72 contracts for tutoring

The Chancellor decreed to hold the selection for the assignment of 72 contracts for tutoring under the conditions and manner specified in the following notice


The end of the call is scheduled for June 20, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Jcpmacy's Furniture Sale


UNIVERSITY 'education services STATED What
running the project "SESTANTE - guidance and mentoring of the University," under the "Tuition fees' No offers 1996 SCHOLARSHIPS AIMED AT THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE OF BUSINESS, to be awarded to young graduates from the University of Palermo, to carry out work experience in agencies and / or companies.
Of the 96 scholarships, 48 \u200b\u200bwill be allocated to the development of work experience in agencies and / or companies registered and operating in the country, and 48 will be allocated to the development of work experience in agencies and / or companies registered and operating in foreign territory.
The action, which is part of a broader plan outlined by the National Operational Programme "Scientific Research, Technological Development, Higher Training 2000-2006 for the target regions 1, axis III - Measure III.5 - Notice 2269/05, aims to promote job training and / or internship activities aimed at expanding employment and improving employability through a direct connection between graduates and companies willing to invest in human capital with higher education.
are excluded from the compulsory practical work aimed at the achievement of academic and professional than direct inclusion in Albi. Periods of practical training can not be used for any applications for recognition of credits.

PURPOSE OF THE STAGE - The scholarships provide an educational activity and 240 h, over a minimum of 10 weeks.

Each graduate at the end of the stage must have acquired the knowledge and skills to enable them to:
- identify the issues that characterize the specific case of the enterprise;
- identify the most appropriate tools to deal with various contingencies;
- using the skills acquired during their university studies to solve the specific case of the company.




How To Jizz Your Pants Without Touching It

call for the award of 37 contracts at the University of Palermo

In Projects "Sextant" - J CUP 72E0700020005, "Interaction" - CUP J62C07000020005, "Val.Ori" - CUP J52C07000200005, "admitted co-financing by the Ministry of University and Scientific Research within the National Operational Programme" Scientific Research, Technological Development , Higher Education "2000-2006 for Objective 1 Regions, AXIS III - Measure III.5 - Notice 2269/05, whose objectives are to facilitate the contact and insertion into the world of work through career guidance, information, training and consultancy to enable students and graduates to plan their own job placement, the Rector of the University index selection for the award of licenses for a total of 37 contracts as follows: 10 for the Project
13 for the whole project
14 values \u200b\u200bfor the Project.




Sunday, May 11, 2008

Designer Martingale Collars

ASP - Listing Session and Application object variables

You have the need to list or just read the session variables in an object or application in ASP also watching the "key" associated with a certain specified value?

could not be easier (although it has struggled to find a way to do this by listing the key ...) to the session object

enter this code:

\u0026lt;% Dim

ii for ii = 1 to session.Contents.Count
Response.Write (session.Contents.key (ii) & "=" & _
session.Contents.item (ii) & ; \u0026lt;br /> ")


while the application object insert this (quite similar to the previous

...): \u0026lt;% Dim ii

for ii = 1 to application.Contents.Count
Response.Write (
application . Contents.key (ii) & _
"=" &
application . Contents.item (ii) & _
\u0026lt;br /> ")


You can simply call up the variable name collection

object. Contents.Key ( index )

while its value with

object. Contents.item ( index) rather than with the classic Object ( " key ")

Try and work!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

15 Years Old Invitation Templates

Examinations of the course of Geography and Urban and Regional Sociology Environment

Students of Architecture degree in 4s of the course of Geography and Urban and Regional Sociology of the environment that have not yet claimed examinations

Students can take the exam in the subject of the course of Geography and Urban and Regional Sociology of the Environment on June 10, 2008 at 9.30, C22 in the classroom next to the Secretary's office.

Exams are held according to the regular programs and courses will be conducted with an interview front.

Students can enroll for the examination from May 20 to June 4, 2008 at the Academic Office.

A. Alaimo, NGLeone, S. Gloss, M. Picone

Friday, May 2, 2008

Aphthous Ulcers Remedy

schedule activities desk COT May

This is the schedule of the activities desk space COT for the month of May.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Backyard Makeover Suppliers


are informed of the various undergraduate degree courses of the Faculty of Architecture, to graduate in the summer session 2007-2008 should observe the deadlines published in this faculty page on the site. Also note that the application for participation in the degree examinations must be made in the Student Office (building 3) 2 to 20 May 2008.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Myspace Relationshipcounter Generators

NEW FORMS for students of Architecture degree in 4 / s Palermo

are cautioned students that were published in the necessary forms to permit activities such as formative stage, recognition of the credits for "other educational activities," the request of the Committee no longer teaching schedule and Erasmus instance. The modules are downloadable information on this page Colleges in COT and available at the door on the 2nd floor. Applications must be submitted in hard copy and digital format, if the documentation accompanying the permits, at the offices of the Presidency on the 2nd floor.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Answers To Ap Biology Population Genetics Lab


From April 7 to June 30, 2008, from Monday to Thursday, the central library of the faculty will make an extension of the normal closing hours, staying open until at 21. Please note that completion of the faculty (at 18:30) students can use to log on the fire escape.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Good Information On Bubble For A Project

WINDOWS - How to assign an icon to a removable disk

This post describe how it is possible with windows (XP and Vista), create and assign an icon to a removable medium such as an external hard drive or a simple USB key, all visible from the windows of course.

First you need a program to create icons "multi" and possibly in a transparent way: there are several programs, free or not.
I tried to use IcoFX (Free - Current version used in this guide: 1.6). He has done his duty very well so it's more than enough!

Download this program and then install it.
Find the image you want to assign to your removable media. I always use good old Google Images . Let for example TUX PNG (PNG images are fond of .. what can I do ??!!) saved your tux and png format.

Open IcoFX: If you are English you can change the language to "options -> Languages \u200b\u200b-> Italian."

Next click on "File -> Import Image ..." and select your image and click "Open":

select "True Color + Alpha Channel (32 bit) and 256x256 resolution and press OK.

Once you open the image click on "Icon -> Create Windows icon from the image ..."

If you're a megalomaniac like me select all the resolutions and press ok.

We will open a new window with the "multi-icon".
done this click "File -> Save As ..." and save your icon anywhere. Call
for example, "gigatux.ico": D!

Then copy this icon in your removable storage.

Create a text file called "AUTORUN" (. Txt) without quotation marks in your removable storage inside and write this:

[Autorun] ICON
= LABEL = My turbo key

* put the name you gave your icon instead of gigatux.ico
** put the name that you assign to your removable media in the line "Label"

Save the text file.

NB: Both the text file that the icon, in this case, must be the root of the archive that is removable in the first level of the drive and not inside any folder .

Open the command prompt (or do "Run ... -> cmd - [enter]")
Find the "letter" of your removable media: In my case is "O".
then type in the dos prompt (press enter each line):

ren autorun.txt AUTORUN.INF

(With these last two lines you have just assigned the attributes "hidden file" and "System Files" to 2 files. This to make sure that Windows Explorer do not see them when browsing the files in your removable media)
Exit prompt.

Now remove your removable storage riconnettilo and here is what will happen in "My Computer" (or "Computer" if you have Vista):

As you can see now my and probably your key (in General removable media) has a picture and description that we are what we wanted!
The act of using an icon "multi" is to have an icon of good quality with views at different resolutions. Small, medium or large! Windows will be to "read" icon in the right format from our icon "multi"!

Note also that the drive of my key is "O". Before making changes from the DOS prompt to check in My Computer the drive letter of your own!

Note 2.0. If you need to change what you have written to the file AUTORUN.INF (or change icon) to edit this file you must first "undo" the attributes of hidden and system files (basically to see them and edit them from explorer).

To do always open the command prompt and type (if the drive is always support "O"):


In this way you removed the attributes of "hidden files" and "File System" from 2 Autorun file and icon!

Here is the guide to the Attrib command

Friday, April 4, 2008

Set Of Gal Bladder Attack


Notice is hereby given to all interested students to participate in the graduation trips approved by the Faculty Council of 12.12.2007 which is convened a meeting for Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:00 pm to decide, based on advice requests, eventuali modifiche da apportare.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

List Of Top Ten Insurance Companies Of Pakistan



Si avvisano gli studenti degli a.a. di cui sopra che dal 7 al 30 APRILE 2008 possono aggiornare la loro posizione in graduatoria, per svolgere lo stage di 8 CFU - 200 ore , presso il COT (piano terra plesso centrale facoltà di Architettura). Per effettuare tale aggiornamento lo studente deve presentare il piano di studi aggiornato rilasciato dalla segreteria.
Periodo di svolgimento dello stage: OTTOBRE 2008 - GENNAIO 2009


Si avvisano gli studenti that need to collect and deliver to the study combined the letter START STAGE . Therefore, please withdraw the same at the office education.

Heat Anticipator And Cycle Rate

Information materials

are distributed at the COT Area of \u200b\u200bthe Faculty of Architecture, the brochure on "Services Center Orientation and Mentoring" and "Guide to the Faculty of Architecture."

Find Combination Dudley Lock

ATM COT - Opening April

Here is the schedule of April with the attendance at the Area COT Tutor of the Faculty of Architecture at the 2nd floor

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Electric Toothbrush Comparison

WINDOWS - Give folders permissions with win vista

I am "forced" to make this post given the many people who ask me how they can do to give permissions to folders in Windows Vista (which comes from this post).

I'm not an expert on Windows Vista but a geek .... I do not remember how he did it to give permissions to those 2 folders but try again on another folder:

Right click on the folder and then click on Properties:

in the window that opens select the Security tab

Next click on the edit ... and will open this window :

Now click on Add ...

then Advanced ...

then click Find Now.
Done at the bottom of this window you will see all the possible users of your computer

Select IIS_IUSRS, and even your IUSR user and those who need to use this service (which does not hurt) and click OK .

are now one step away from the end. In the window that permits one to select one for all the users you just added and put the box whisker Edit - Allow for each user that you added:

If you'll notice the mustache on bringing change will be also automatically put the mustache on Scripture.

done this click on Apply and then OK.

Restart the computer and now the new permits are active (or at least should be ...: D)

also read
Vista and connections to MDB
Database and IIS 7

Monday, March 17, 2008

Orthopedic Walking Boot


This is the Space of the Orientation Center and the Faculty Mentoring of Architecture in Palermo. The main
mentoring tasks, refer to the specific needs of each are: management of corporate communication of the degree programs through the coordination, streamlining and updating bulletin boards, connecting with the operators of door-SOFT Architecture for complementary activities; advice the development of curriculum, counseling for the recognition of credits earned for other activities, advice for the transition between systems or degree courses, advice for students outside the course, support for managing administrative practices relating to the stage, streamlining and updating address book for teachers, participation in the Councils of the degree course and meetings the Board for the undergraduate program.

Tutors employed mainly as a link between students from different degree courses and decision makers of the same courses , entering directly into contact with presidents, secretaries and directors of special functions of the graduate course in which they are assigned. The service is provided at the door tutor-COT, Faculty of Architecture-Building 14 on the second floor (former switchboard) in the schedules on the bulletin board covering every morning and Wednesday afternoon.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Chronic Urticaria Ibs

FIREFOX - How to open results in a new tab

Would you use the search box of Firefox and want the results open in a new tab and not the current tab?

could not be easier:

type "about: config" without quotes into the address bar of Firefox and hit enter.

Then look for the heading " " (you can also write in the "filter" to find it quickly) and change the default value "false" with "true".

To change it you can simply double-click on the relevant item (if you use windows).

Below is the result:

Without this restart firefox and test your new feature!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Employee Handbook China

WINDOWS - Restore the "Show Deskop" fast opening

you "lost" or accidentally deleted the "Show Desktop" in the 'Quick Start' in Windows (XP - Vista)? Here is how to restore


- creates a text file and write in it these lines:

[Shell] Command = 2

IconFile = explorer.exe, 3
[Taskbar] Command =

- Now save the text file and rename it as "Show Desktop.scf"
- Take the confirmation when asked if you really want to change the extension
file - Now you have your loved one "link" ready to use! Then drag the bar "Quick Start" and you restore your button!

The "link" also works from anywhere so you can put it in other locations, everywhere you can serve, although I think not served by other parties outside "Fast opening"! For the lazy

the link here with a zip file containing the "Show Desktop" beautiful done!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Blueprints On Building A Playset

FIREFOX 2.0 - Quick Search Toolbar

Carry on my blog that I published a post on my site Ottoble 27, 2006. In Firefox 2.0

those buttons are gone so comfortable in the Quick Search bar?

Do not worry! Here's how to restore them!

Source: ->

With Firefox you can put a setting in which the browser search the text of a page in a word or phrase by simply typing the word in question: Firefox, first push of a button on your keyboard opens the search bar faster than in previous versions to FF2.0, also had options like "next word", "previous word", etc ... Unfortunately
either version 2 of FF these buttons and options are no longer present! Here's how to put them back

merely reported what it says on the site of MozillaItalia above link!

To restore the buttons you need to edit the file userChrome.css adding this simple line:

FindToolbar #> * {display:-moz-box;}

This file is located, for owners of Windows XP in the profile folder is usually located in

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ "username" \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ "NOME_ALFANUMERICO." default \\ chrome \\ !

course the folder "Application Data" is hidden so you need to enable viewing of hidden files, or you can access this folder (without enabling the viewing of hidden files) da "esegui" di windows, digitando " %appdata% " (senza virgolette) e premendo invio.
Con quest'ultimo metodo potete accedere a questa cartella anche da windows Vista !

E' da precisare che non esiste il file " UserChrome.css " ma ne esiste uno chiamato "UserChrome-example.css" ! Come dice il nome di quel file è un file di esempio, quindi potete tranquillamente modificare quello poi rinominarlo in "UserChrome.css"

Agguingete a questo file questa riga:

#FindToolbar > * {display:-moz-box;}

(mettetela per esempio in fondo al file...) poi salvate, rinominate "UserChrome-example.css " in "UserChrome.css" , se non l'avete già fatto, e riavviate firefox!

Io l'ho fatto e il "problema" è risolto!!!

Che ne dici di provare anche tu?

Alla prossima!